A user who sees the view of the application in the browser and it can make a request with input to a router (a request can me a link that gets clicked). The router will call a specific controller method based on that route, and if data is needed to be fetched the controller will then interact with the model, which interacts with the database. Once the controller gets that data passed back it can then load a view and it can send the data to the view and will be dealt with by the template engine. Once that is all done, it will send the view back to the browser for the user to see.


Responsible for getting and manipulating the data. The brain of the application. The model usually interacts with some kind of database MySQL/ MongoDB

  • Data related logic

  • Interactions with database SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE

  • Communicates with Controller


Is the user interface with the application (what the users sees).

  • What the end user sees UI

  • Usually consists of HTML/CSS

  • Communicates with the controller

  • Can be passed dynamic values from the controller

  • Template Engines - allows dynamic data (the use variables or logic) inside of views

    • Examples - ERB (Embedded Ruby), Haml


Acts as a middleman between the model and the view . The controller will ask the model to get some data from the database and the controller will take that data and load a view and pass that data into it. Then the template engine takes over and do some logic or output for the variables and things like that. The controller can also load a view without passing it data.

  • Receives input from view, URL

  • Processes requests GET POST PUT DELETE

  • Gets data from the model

  • Passes data to the view

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