
Install Arch Linux

  1. Verify internet is working

    1. ping

  2. Update the System Clock

    1. timedatectl set-ntp true

    2. timedatectl status

  3. Partition the disks using cfdisk instead of fdisk

    1. Run lsblk to verify the disk you want to partition

    2. In Virtual Machine I am partitioning sda

    3. Run cfdisk

    4. Select Label Type dos

      1. Choose New

      2. Create 2 partitions (1 main and 1 swap)

        1. Main partition needs to be primary

        2. Move tab to Bootable which adds an* under Boot

        3. Move down to Free space and create another New space for the swap partition

          1. Add rest of memory

          2. Choose primary or extended. I chose primary

          3. Click on the tab Type

            1. Change Type from 83 Linux to 82 Linux swap / Solaris and click enter

          4. Now move tab to Write and hit enter

            1. Type yes and click enter

          5. Now move tab to Quit and hit enter

    5. Format the Partitions

      1. Make the file system mksf with type ext4 to location of the partition /dev/sda1.

        1. In the terminal type mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1

      2. Run lsblk to make sure partitions sda1 and sda2are correct.

      3. Now make swap

        1. mkswap /dev/sda2

        2. Now run command swapon /dev/sda2

    6. Mount file system

      1. mount /dev/sda1 /mnt

    7. Select the Mirrors

      1. Edit etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

        1. nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

      2. Delete all lines using ctrl + k that arent in the United States. Only keep about 6 or 7.

      3. Press ctrl + x to exit nano.

      4. Click y for yes to save modified buffer.

      5. Click enter again to save filename

  4. Install the Base Packages Installs the base arch linux system

    1. In the terminal typepacstrap /mnt base

  5. Configure the System

    1. Fstab

      1. genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

    2. Chroot

      1. arch-chroot /mnt

    3. Time Zone (to search for timezone ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/America

      1. ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles /etc/localtime

      2. hwclock --systohc

      3. locale-gen

      4. nano /etc/locale.conf

        1. Add LANG=en_US.UTF-8

        2. Exit ctrl + x

        3. Click y to save

        4. Click enter to save file name

    4. Network Configuration

      1. nano /etc/hostname

        1. Enter desired hostname. I used jh

        2. Exit ctrl + x

        3. Click y to save

        4. Click enter to save file name

      2. nano /etc/hosts

        1. Add tab over and write localhost

        2. Add ::1 tab over and write localhost

        3. Add tab over and write jh.localdomain tab over again and write jh. jh is the hostname I chose in the 1st step under Network Configuration

        4. Exit ctrl + x

        5. Click y to save

        6. Click enter to save file name

    5. Root Password

      1. passwd and hit enter

      2. set your root password

      3. retype your root password

  6. Network Configuration

    1. Enable DHCPCP (starts internet on boot)

      1. systemctl enable dhcpcd

  7. Users and Groups

    1. Add username

      1. useradd -m joseph

    2. Change password for user joseph

      1. passwd joseph

    3. Install sudo

      1. pacman -S sudo

    4. Add joseph to Group with admin privileges

      1. usermod -aG wheel,audio,input,optical,storage,video joseph

    5. Verify groups you belong too

      1. groups joseph

    6. Add vim

      1. pacman -S vim

    7. Add joseph to sudoers file

      1. visudo

        1. vim movement

          1. j - down

          2. k - up

          3. h -left

          4. l -right

        2. Look for line ## Uncomment to allow members of group whell to execute any command

          1. Move cursor under # of # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL and

            1. Click x to delete the # to uncomment that line.

          2. Quit out of vim

            1. click : and type wq and click enter

  8. Install GRUB (boot loader)

    1. Download grub

      1. pacman -S grub

    2. Install grub to disk grub will be going on (not sda1)

      1. grub-install /dev/sda

    3. Create grub config file

      1. grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

  9. Reboot (You're Finished!)

Install Graphical Environment

  1. Install Xorg

    1. sudo pacman -S xorg

Install Gnome

  1. Verify you have sudo privilages

    1. sudo pacman -Syyu

  2. Install reflector to get the fastest mirrors and backup the current mirrorlist and generatte a new one

    1. sudo pacman -S reflector

    2. sudo cp /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.backup

    3. sudo reflector --verbose --latest 10 --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlis

  3. Install Xorg and needed video drivers

    1. sudo pacman -S xorg-server xterm xorg-xinit xf86-video-vesa bash-completion nvidia

  4. Check if X works

    1. startx

      1. Exit out of X

        1. exit

  5. Install Gnome

    1. sudo pacman -S gnome gdm

  6. Enable the GDM service so it starts on boot

    1. sudo systemctl enable gdm

  7. Reboot your machine! You're Done!

    1. reboot

Last updated